I am extremely delighted to share my personal experience in managing failure.
Today as I woke up with sun intending to start a bright day, I encountered a fall, a message about my defeat that shook me to the core.
I then sit with a pen in my hand to journal about the default reactions that was scuffling my mind, body and spirit. I sip my tea which I had already made too sweet by obliviously adding an extra sugar cube. It took a while for me to heed that it had already gone cold. Before I could write a word I gave some time to just ‘sit and think’. Before the hands of pessimism could clasp me and drag me down, my hapless self started to crawl up again only to reach the point where the doors to extract the tremendous energy were opened, and I felt stronger than ever before.
Our ‘emotions’ are the gateways that open up to let go the intruder that was interfering with our peaceful state of mind. Every human body is designed to be in the peak power state so that it effectively serves that unique purpose for which it has been designed by the super-power. The emotions are hard-coded in our body so that it subconsciously links to our thoughts, memories and subliminal messages to form ‘feelings’. Well, you are aware that emotions are many: Fear, anger, sadness, joy, disgust, trust etc. With varied complexity and combinations of these emotions with our subconscious thoughts we get to experience only two categories of feelings – Positive Feelings and Negative Feelings. After gaining much awareness we all now intend to strive hard to get back to our default peaceful state for now we know it is only after attaining that we get the power to serve our true purpose, our destiny, which is the true bliss. And we are also smart enough to understand by now that the only factor that pulls us away from this peak state is the ‘Negative feelings’
Let us now try to define the ‘Failure’- Failures are the ones in whom the ‘negative feelings’ abide for the time longer enough to allow its by-product ‘pessimism’ to start growing. Our emotions are etched in our DNA and hence they never fail and always do their part to sweep off the intruders. So let us now bust the other factors that compose the ‘negative feelings. Those are our thoughts and factors conditioning our mind which went wrong and encouraged the perching of these negative feelings for longer time. Every successful person on earth has had many failures and had happened to experience the negative default reactions just like you and I do. But before that negativity could take a root and dare to start feeding on their positive hopes, they shoo it away. Our external influences hinder our ‘authentic design’, the design that commands us to shoo away such parasites. The strong ‘will power’ to get back to that design comes by proper conditioning of mind. With this ‘will power’ you will compulsively change your ‘default reactions’ to ‘induced responses’ that serves you. You will definitely be blessed with all the resources needed for it once you make up your mind. When you look for it, you will find it. There is abundance out there and you get both good and bad stuff. But you always have the choice for what to absorb and what to expel. It is only the matter of ‘Choice’.
So how wise are you to ‘choose’ right?