Everybody has a dream and yet not everyone successes in attaining it. People get distracted and set wrong dreams for themselves and still the so called “optimists” encourage them to obtain it by overlooking their limitations.
Authentic dreams are always reachable. These are the dreams which you make by not allowing the external conditioning to interfere in it. Although it may sometimes seem impossible to others, it won’t for you as obliviously somewhere at the sub-conscious level you have already made the calculations (Your subconscious always knows it) and to you it seems more practical and attainable even if you have no idea or plans to do it.
People always keep saying nothing is impossible and in some this triggers a new idea of having some impossible dreams and prove a point to the world. They search for something impossible and make it their goal and announce the world they are going to do it. We are now going into something called imposed dreams. Many a times the ones who set these kinds of goals are themselves unaware whether it had come naturally as their desire or is just the reaction one of those several societal implications due to which proving a point becomes the obsession.
Setting out with a brave heart (or just a false hope that universe is with them) to reach the impossible doesn’t always invite miracles. Of course it is as well to say that you are just digging your own grave, wasting time, money and resources. And then after multiple failures your sentiment changes and you curse the “Law of attraction”.
Attainable dreams are always practical dreams. Here ones limitations are not ignored, instead understanding and accepting your limitations will actually make you more powerful to attain your highest self which would then surprise the world.
Having the awareness of your limitations is the first step towards success.
Never ever chase to reach the impossible and make a mark. Start loving the things you do and the things you can do.